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9/20/2017 3:23:43 PM

Let's talk about dreams

I'm especially curious about people who have had a lucid dream before. I've been lucid dreaming ever since I remember, or something similar to lucid dreams. I have complete control of what happens in my dreams, but that gets boring and tiring, because I'm in charge if everything. I recently(about 3 years ago) figured out how to go on a "auto pilot," where the dream does its own thing without my intervention, but I'm still there. I can still change the dream if I want, I just don't, and the dream keeps going. Anyway, tell me about your dreams, or ask me more about mine, it's really difficult to explain it all. Answering questions to explain will be easier.
#Offtopic #dreams

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  • I had a dream I shot up my school.

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    • I had a wet dream once. I killed some legion and then fell into the Colorado. Thats how I got wet.

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      • I haven't had a lucid dream as far as I can remember... but I do remember a lot of dreams. Here's a couple for ya: 1. [b]The Stalker[/b]: One day at a school I've never been to or seen before, a girl (that I also never have seen before) walks up and asks for my name. Being the nervous introverted shit that I am, I give a fake name. Turns out the fake name is actually the name of an artist online. For some reason, that turns the girl into stalker mode. She follows me literally everywhere. Eventually, it's literally the dead of night and I get into a friends car and I have a chat with him about... something. 2. [b]What Happened?[/b]: This one's a little more... personal... but -blam!- it. A girl that I knew who moved away was in this. It played like a game. What I didn't know was that I had to do the things presented to me. Instead of doing that, I went straight for her. We sat underneath a tree in my neighborhood, looking towards the stars and talking. Next thing I knew was something was chasing me and I was driving a car with her in it. We broke physics and ended up at an abandoned warehouse, where a bunch of machines came and took her. *GAME OVER* and the dream ended with me restarting. I think I know why it still haunts me... in every dream I've had with her in it, she never had any problems. -blam!-, she even pulled me out of an actual horde of demon children in one of them. Yet this one time... dammit. Anyway, that's all. I would talk about my most recent one, but it's very Destiny related and I would not get into that here.

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        4 Replies
        • Edited by Kazehikeeeeee: 9/25/2017 7:26:05 AM
          I rarely ever get dreams and when I actually do get them, they're normal and boring. The last one I vaguely remember was about being at home sitting on a sofa and watching TV. Half the day went by when I realized I don't have a sofa and that it was actually a dream I had

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          • I know that sweet dreams are made of these.

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            • Edited by Solus Christus: 9/22/2017 9:45:43 AM
              I had a sleep paralysis episode a couple months back. I was laying in bed with my eyes open, waiting for something to happen. And then slowly, a sandstorm started to materialize in my bedroom... Edit: [spoiler]Doodoodoodoodoo... doo, doodoodoodoodoo[/spoiler]

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              • Most people throw "lucid" around without truly experiencing it. We usually have at least SOME control over our dreams, but lucid dreaming is entirely different. I've had a handful of lucid dreams, and I am just as conscious as I am in real life, with my senses more vivid than a normal dream. In fact, it seems so real that I once just laid in bed for the entirety of a lucid dream (not realizing it until I woke up). I've also fallen out of bed before, mistakenly thinking I successfully induced a lucid dream.

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                • I have had a few, my most recent one which I remember the most was very dim and didnt last too long. I realized I was dreaming so I tried doing everything I wanted to do but instead of it feeling realistic it felt like drawing stuff or vividly imagining something. The worst part is all the hot girls I tried imagining were stick figures. But thats just me, others have had more realistic ones.

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                • sometimes i dream of things then they happen like deja vu its only happened very few times maybe 3 times

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                • I dream about you, VeeVee. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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                • My dreams always seem to have a 'rewind button' feature, where if things don't go right, I rewind, (like literally everything plays quickly in reverse) and choose a different option. Sometimes, I'm not even a character in them, I'm just kind of watching events unfold like some sort of movie, though if I rewind these, I'm no longer just an observer, and get an active role. Like most people, I rarely remember details of my dreams after I wake up, but there are 3 exceptions: 1) a recurring nightmare from when I was a little kid, where a giant alien monster was outside eating people, and I tried to run away inside the house, but it always ended with the monster ripping the roof off. eventually, there was one instance of the dream where I finally got sick of it, found a giant laser gun, and blasted the monster away with it. I think this dream was the first one where I learned about using the rewind button. 2) a dream from highschool, where I'm at band practice after school with my friends, but instead of doing normal practice, we were being forced to run around in a line with our arms spread out like airplane wings, with the dream ending with us learning to fly. 3) another dream from near the end of highschool. In it, its a bright, hot, humid summer morning, and for some reason, I go outside into the cane field behind my house. There, I meet a girl I've never met before wearing frog-themed onesie pajamas. She barely says anything throughout the dream, but she was laughing and smiling the entire time. For the rest of the dream, she dragged me around the neighborhood and we pulled pranks on the neighbors and played around. The dream ended with her kissing me on the cheek, spraying me with a hose and then I woke up. I think this one stands out, because the sensations and environment in the dream were much more vivid than most. Anyway, that's my two bits. feel free to ask questions or try to interpret the dreams.

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                • I don't dream [spoiler][i]I need help[/i][/spoiler]

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                • Ive only had one and i was about to get laid everything was going good i was just throwing out dumbass lines and for some -blam!-ing reason it worked and she kissed me and not just lips i mean making out and it felt genuinely real. So we get up and are about to head to a room in this house ive never been in but somehow i knew where to go and thats when it happened... My friend shows up stopping everything and not only that tries to get her to -blam!- him. Hes talking shit like hes gonna be so much better and im just some piece of shit. So i punched him hard and it felt real but then after that i had no control over the dream he took off running and i was trying to chase him down but i had no control when i caught him and was about to punch him again i woke up.

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                • I had a dream that life was good. Sadly, it was just a dream.

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                • I lucid dream all the time. It does get boring tho. I try not to control anything unless my dreams lead me to somewhere relating to religion or goats. That always leads me to bad places.

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                • I've had sleep paralysis once. It's not a pleasant experience

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                  • I don't like to dream....most times it leaves me either confused or scared

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                  • I could never pull lucid dreaming off, any advice?

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                    5 Replies
                    • I want to have lucids so much.

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                    • Ok, to contribute, here's one I do remember. I have very minimal control in dreams. Once I dreamed that a large moth (normal large, a bit bigger than my thumb) was like chasing me. Slowly. Then I went "Wait, moths aren't that brave", blinked hard in the dream because I know that's how to wake myself up, and bam, awake.

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                    • I think I've only really had one moment of lucid dreaming, and that was just to end the dream early. Quick summary of the dream goes like so: I was taking a final exam for a class only to leave partway through. When I came back, the classroom was replaced by a wal-mart. I said "Okay, -blam!- this, I'm out," and woke up.

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                      • I don't remember my dreams.

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                        • I was dreaming about how our hearts were ringing in the key that our souls were singing, as we danced in the night, remember how the stars stole the night away.

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                        • Edited by ZxAlphaZx: 9/22/2017 1:19:28 AM
                          I was in a weird store when I noticed I was dreaming then I tried to fly and went right through the wall and all I could see was some red and white optical illusion thing. I also saw a lot of people I knew at that store thing, whatever it was.

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                        • When I was eight years old I had a surreal dream where I was outside of my house and people were walking, kids were riding bikes etc and then a fog came down and time stopped. I wandered around my neighborhood for what felt like 45 minutes or so looking at everything frozen mid-motion. Birds stopped in flight without falling or even people who were just sitting on their porch smoking a cigarette with embers still glowing and even the smoke itself was staying in place. I began walking the sidewalk to my house and noticed movement. As I got closer I notices a man in white robes, with a long flowing beard with long white hair sitting there with all four of my pets (two cats and two dogs) around him and everyone was perfectly at peace. He waved to me to get my attention and then pointed out to the street. The wall of fog had in an instant engulfed all my neighbors houses across the street and then receded back to reveal several sets of stairs leading up further into the fog bank. I had the notion come over me that I could walk into that place and never come back but it came to me without fear or any sense of dread. I considered people I would leave behind and how they would react and waved my hand across the fog like closing a door and in that instant everything was back to normal. I sat straight up in bed and opened my eyes. It felt like my eyes had to adjust from being outside in the sunlight to the darkness of my bedroom in the earliest hours of morning. I've never had any kind of crystal clear explanation of it but all the imagery stayed fresh in my mind. It could have even been part of a kind of mental awakening I had gone through then. It was about then same time that I began to see the world differently than I had before and took some of my first steps to walking away from childhood.

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                          • Never lucid dreamed before. Went through sleep paralysis once which was... an experience

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