How can Bungie seriously do this. Even with Forsaken out, I’m still unsatisfied about the discussions Bungie is making.
It'll never happen, this community showed Bungie it's hand when they had a collective nervous breakdown over losing weapons due to sunsetting, but you have dudes happily defending having story content they paid for removed. Bungie has the blueprint now. Keep chucking old weapons back in and the masses are satisfied.
New lights would just get confused bringing it back would mess up there storybtelling at this point
Edited by RabbitTears: 7/7/2022 6:05:22 PMYes. The stuff they make “new lights” do are so boring. I do not want to make another character because of the boring blah tasks they start with. At least with the red war you have a campaign to dive into making you want to play more of destiny.
Edited by Ghostfire239: 7/8/2022 12:04:07 AMRed war wasn’t that good tbh. The only good missions in that campaign was Homecoming, and 1AU (mainly due to the scenery). Everything else either sucked or was mediocre at best. The narrative wasn’t good either, just bland. Maybe it can comeback someday, but at the moment I wouldn’t say people need or want it to comeback. A cutscene viewer similar to Monster Hunter would be nice to have though.
The busted game engine cannot handle that many moving parts. It will never happen.
Omg, when did they take the red war campaign out of D2
????? [b][i]I[/i][/b], definitely do not need or want it back lol
Edited by THA_3rd_GUY: 7/7/2022 3:53:28 PMThey'll never bring any vaulted story content back. Thanks to their "evolving game world" and way the story is going, it would confuse a bunch of people. Can you imagine seeing Ghaul accept Caiatl just to see him conquer the Traveler? Or how about seeing Crow being friendly with us just to see him kill Cayde and refer to himself as Uldren? The story now only works for people who have played since the beginning.
All dlc needs to come back in the form on dlc packs. That way players can manage their own system storage.
“We” definitely don’t need the oldest content back.
I don't know if bringing back the Red War Capaign or even the Forsaken Campaign is a good idea, to be honest. I don't see the point in doing that now.
You might need it, but I can assure you that we do not.
Here we go again 😂 🍿🍿🍿🍿
Do we though ?