You will need the event card for this ( I APOLOGIZE YOU DO NOT NEED THE EVENT CARD ) Thanks to GammaJam for correcting me on this.
You need the ghost, tower guard and thrall masks
Once you have those
Wear the tower guard mask, talk to Eva, Talk to Gambit, talk to Trials in that order
Wear the thrall mask and get 100 explosive kills ( grenades and launchers doesn’t have to be exotic. Any tier grenade launcher works and as well as regular thrown grenade and rockets and I think some specials do as well like Titan Hammer for example )
Lastly ghost mask get kills in FOTL expert mode. You don’t have to complete the mission nor do you have to kill headless. I used a legendary sword and killed basic ads at the beginning. Reloaded the expert and did rinse and repeat for less than 5 mins
Go into Episode: Revenant and go to the Twilight Tab to track progress and see rewards. This also gives you the Lost Memento as well as the Spectral Carapace Purple Web Emblem
The ghost one only works with swords