I want to start this off by saying, I completely understand bungie wants us to interact with new players and create a community. However, they aren’t creating an environment where solo players can casually interact in higher level activities. Yes we have the Fireteam finder, for higher level activities such as raids, dungeons etc,. But I find it crazy that matchmaking is turned off for activities like legendary dares of eternity. So I guess I am asking why hasn’t it been turned on, and if there’s already an established reason can someone let me know?
Edited by viiTactiiCZz: 12/11/2024 11:03:19 PMGeneral answer is Locked Loadouts, Anti-Champ, and previously Match Game when it was a thing. [quote]We've seen quite a few players drop off at simple quests steps of completing a few bounties or doing specific strikes. Asking newer players to find specific lost sectors, figure out what mods to wear, and to complete them potentially on their own may just end up dissuading them from ever trying a legend activity, rather than hitting up an LFG to get in on some cool seasonal content and potentially making some friends along the way. Locked loadouts can be tricky business. While many of us on this subreddit are highly proficient in crafting loadouts and understanding what needs to be equipped before launching in, many players need the LFG component so party leaders can walk them through what mods to equip and what steps would be key to success in the long run. Would be pretty awkward to have 6 players matchmake into a Legend dares run, none of which have an anti-barrier mod equipped or arc-shields for those pesky harpies...[/quote] https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/rqeglc/bungies_aversion_to_legend_matchmaking/hqbdlj5/