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1/18/2025 5:16:37 AM

Revenant act 3 ending made me make the most loud dissapointed sigh i ever had

So i dont really know WHY bungie keeps trying to make us like Eramis this hard? WHY OF ALL CHARACTERS WAS ERAMIS THE WIELDER OF THE ECHO???? it would be 100x better and understandable to have either Mithrax or Eido as the wielders, Eramis didnt even have a redemption arc before this and didnt even perform a single good action asides of being passive aggresive in every single dialogue that genuinely makes me cringe. giving Eramis the echo was the worse outcome of this season, of course give power to a character that is selfish and willingly would backstab their allies for more power.
#lore #destiny2

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  • And Eramis remains a -blam!- to the end. I just listened to her last speech, she believes HUMANITY created the Whirlwind, that HUMANITY make the Fallen into, what did she call them, 'insects'. It was her people who did this. THEY followed the big white ball in the sky, they decided to murder anyone who had the audacity to look at it and hate (Like she still does) that they are no longer their version of the Guardian, the Slayer Baron. If Bungie had any talent at writing, she would return with a new army and we'd have more content. But like always, they'll probably forget it for the next new thing someone huffed up in a cloud.

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  • They used a deus ex machina at the very end. The exemplar of bad writing

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  • Season of the plunder actually kicked off her redemption arc, but it was largely hidden in lore tabs. Otherwise I agree. Ultimately I think they keep throwing Eramis a bone because she's a girl boss and bungie has become a pretty woke studio. Personally, I think the story would have been so much better if Mithrax completely turned evil and went on a rampage in the last city. Then in a moment of clarity, asked Eramis to kill him. Then the episode could have ended with a ghost taking interest in Mithrax's body, hinting at him becoming the 1st Eliksne guardian. Which I think would fight the prophecy of Kell of Kells better.

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    1 Reply
    • Edited by jhermannITJ: 1/18/2025 6:43:39 AM
      1. Eramis has not accepted the Echo... 'cliffhanger'.... 2. Mithrax isn't Kell of Kells... not a titled granted, there's no "ceremonial Jesus"... You are... or you aren't. Mithrax clearly isn't. Otherwise, the Scorn Curse would have ended... ALL the Houses would have unified, they would have found peace. The Scorn Curse did not end... in fact, Mindbender... the Bomber... and [spoiler]Skolas[/spoiler] are all still alive. The Houses did not unify... Eramis left, and there are still plenty of Eliksni trying to kill us. And that just isn't mechanical convenience... they have not unified.

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      8 Replies
      • You must've never seen the 'X-Files: I Want to Believe' movie then.

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