I just received a my second 2 month restriction for poor connection. During the 2 month period of the second restriction, I moved to a new house, got a new modem and LAN cable, and cleared my console cache. I played with no connection issue for almost two weeks. Then the servers started acting up on and after Heresy launch day as expected and I received multiple error codes just like everyone else trying to play. I was constantly asking my play group if I was lagging only for them to tell me each time that I wasn’t. Some members of my group are consistently and severely lagging and yet they have never even received a warning. My connection speed is strong and there should be no issues with my hardware unless it is my console itself. I’ve read the troubleshooting article multiple times and I don’t know what other options I have apart from port forwarding which I intend to try this evening. I am genuinely confused. Any advice that isn’t a link to Bungie help articles would be greatly appreciated as I’ve read them all already and know exactly where to find them.
You can try and appeal it but I can almost guarantee it will be denied. Are you on wifi or wired?