I'm bored, i'll draw...
Give me a brief description of your superhero's name, attributes, abilities and other characteristics such as cape/no cape or male/female
Two Rules:
-Give me time...i like to draw by taking my own time, and i will try my best to draw everyone's hero :D
-Keep it clean...and make sure its nothing too complicated...
Unfortunatley i cannot scan any of my images because theres somethign wrong with my scanner -___- Dad's not home so you folk will have to wait till tomorrow for your drawings sorry :/
OP should deliver A Fly Lady's and Camnators request.
I will love you for the rest of my days if you draw Bullshit man. Just look up Karl Pilkington, and draw him in a superhero suit. Please.
Draw me.
I'd love you to draw the Anti Hero I've got for my RP character :D He has suave but still messy hair with bangs, five o' clock shadow large yellow circular sunglasses, metal plated armor that's covered by a bullet proof vest that is covered with a bunch of bags of ammo, alcohol, snacks and they are marked with chalk that says what's in em' and he has a flask of whisky in one hand and a smoking pistol in the other, also a smirk and two scars on his lower left lip. Also a large knife in a sheath on his right shoulder with smiley face on it that looks like the one on [url=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/179/9/c/destiny_character_fanart_by_deadlyfluffball-d6az444.png]this[/url] guys shoulder, then also a bunch of tally marks and the middle finger belt Xp Oh and also have him sitting down on a chair with a lit cigarette in his mouth and the whisky and smoking pistol in either hand and a bunch of dead bodies around him, and then the phrase "Is there a doctor in the house" above him :D Take your time and thank you so much if you do it :D
Edited by iGraviton: 8/6/2013 5:58:28 PMDraw me the Master Dolphin. He's a dolphin. His costume is a suit, top hat, and monocle. His super-power is telekinesis. GOGOGO
Inviso-boy! He is completely invisible.
All I ask is, if you draw anybody, draw the best god damn superhero in existence.
My superhero is called the Purple Shade. His power is that he can fire beams of purpleness from his eyes. His suit is coloured white with purple highlights, and he has a sort of Batman-style cowl, sans ears. Also, he's kind of loopy.
Edited by Cyberwo1ff: 6/14/2019 1:44:32 AMOk. How bout a Female with long hair. But its not hair, its fire. This is a person with the power create fire balls in her hands and control fire. Yet her body is totaly made of a deep blue liquid that appears soild. the only part that stands out is her hair. I could see her being slightly moody most of the time. In a sort of way that she knows she's powerful, but doesn't really care. And most of the time she just wants to be by herself but her friends really try to keep her intrested. GOOD LUCK!
I kind of want to participate in this... Let's see. I'd want my superShero to be female. And she's got to have a rockin' body, with longer brown hair. She can fly, with a fuschia colored cape. She wears 'aviator' style sunglasses. Oh, and she must have armored boobies. =)
Cortana and Serena from Halo Wars with exaggerated booties.