Just want to see what titles people prefer. I follow more DC but I still enjoy a few marvel titles. Some reasons for what you prefer? Aaaaaaand..... GO!!!
Edited by salvucci91: 8/26/2014 5:20:55 AMMarvel. Eddie Brock/ Venom, and anything [i]symbiote[/i] is the coolest thing to me.
Marvel plz :)
DC has Lobo.
Marvel! I really like anti-heroes
I haven't read any comics but I personally like Marvel because of the personalities of the heroes. I read through the whole thread I want to learn more about the universes but I'm too lazy XD
I forgot, but Marvel also has a Zombies Universe and a storyline where Deadpool kills everyone.
Porn magazine
But Batman... But Iron Man... But Superman... But X-Men... And Thanos... And Ultron... But Batman...
This needs a poll! DC fan here. Green Arrow ftw
Edited by Athhena: 8/25/2014 7:14:36 AMMarvel, currently reading the new Captain Marvel(Danvers) comics and they're great. Rumour has it she will be involved in one of the upcoming Marvel films, fingers crossed.
DC! I love Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Joker etc.
Marvel. It's always known how ridiculous superheroes really are and never backed away from it. DC tries to be too serious and doesn't have enough interesting superheroes. Batman and Superman are famous but they're boring characters, especially Superman. Batman's only real strength is his great villains who are all more interesting than he is. Spiderman is a much more interesting character than either of them despite having a similar backstory and those terrible movies. Besides Super Man and Batman the only other DC superheroes I can think of are Wonder Woman, the Flash, and Green Lantern. Marvel has Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Spiderman, X-Men, Fastastic Four, and Black Widow's ass. It's clear who's better.
Only good thing DC has is batman. I prefer batman over any marvel superhero, but if we're judging as a whole... Marvel is better. They have way cooler superheroes, DC is just kinda lame...
DC is great at making games, but marvel is awesome at making movies. I like marvel better by a little bit
I prefer marvel but also enjoy dc from time to time
DC I do like marvel but I prefer DC just by a little bit
DC comics > Marvel comics Marvel movies > DC movies
DC, to each there own of course, but DC just clicks with me more with certain characters such as nightwing.