Continued from [url=]OP:[/url]
The_Prince_Of_Wishes: Their vision was as logical as the speaker, it seems...
[b]404Architect[/b]: Funny enough, the Speaker was much different in the original version of the game. There is a reason that Bill Nighy was chosen to be his voice actor, and much of his recorded dialogue is not in the shipped game. I am not certain if that storyline will ever be seriously pursued now that so many changes have been made.
truemeliorist: If you are able to say, is the feedback from the community about these things missing swaying that vision at all? Or is it more of a "you'll get what we want to give you" sort of vision?
[b]404Architect[/b]: All feedback is heard, even if you do not see a response. It is all taken to heart.
TheFiremind88: It's a simple yes or no question. If people were to organize and protest so much content being cut, is there any way it could motivate Action/Bungie to put any more of that content out closer to what was intended? It us a good game, but I think a GREAT game was advertised and intended. I personally bought a 400 dollar gaming system for THIS game. I know I'm not alone either. Despite you guys making a good game, can't help but feel cheated.
[b]404Architect[/b]: Your wallet speaks more than any words do to some extent, but even with that said flagging sales will not inspire a change back to the original paradigm. If Destiny stops bringing in money it will stop having new content developed. Voicing your concerns, opinions, and comments is critical to informing the development team as to what direction to continue going in, however. Everyone knows the reaction to the storyline, but I don't know what will come of that recognition.
TheFiremind88: So, say there was something done, like, Boycott DLC in response to feeling let down, are you saying that's more likely to just motivate them to pull the plug as opposed to giving the people what they expected? Even if we're not moving onto the original intended design, honestly just a reasonably cohesive story, and some additional content would certainly help quell the masses.
[b]404Architect[/b]: I can't say with any authority what Activision would do, but waning sales usually means no money to continue support and lack of incentive to continue support.
oldknave: Are people/the higher ups at Bungie aware of how nonsensical and poor/short people have perceived the story as being, and how repetitive the content seems to be, or is there kind of an attitude of "we think everything we made is great."
[b]404Architect[/b]: Everyone is acutely aware of reaction to the story. How much that will change the "vision" for Destiny is unclear to me.
DLC sales figures will be closely watched.
RagnarokSam: Did the original vision include more planets/locations? It seems the grimore cards mention Mercury and Saturn in some context, but perhaps that's just supplemental lore rather than anything that was intended to be player interactive.
[b]404Architect[/b]: Yes. Several more were planned.
StaticSilence: Is/was Jason Jones aware and supportive of this lobotomy to the story? Or is activision forcing their will upon bungie. Are the employees at bungie already regretting signing a ten year deal with activision?
Any answer you give can't be verified so I take what u say with many grains of salt.
[b]404Architect[/b]: I won't speak to his motivations, that isn't my place to say. Activision isn't solely at fault for the way Destiny turned out. Many choices were made, not all of them reflective of the original spirit of the game.
GoCallYourMommy: I hope you guys get the opportunity to see your vision come to life then. I think the graphics are great, the gameplay is fun. As a 40 year old gamer who has to hide my hobby from my peers (Ha) and own every major system/platform in history I hope that comes with some satisfaction to hear. But your situation doesn't seem to be unusual for 2014 developers really. I hope the cash pours in and you guys can tell the bean counters to -blam!- off eventually.
[b]404Architect[/b]: 500+ million in the first week. Destiny made back its development cost in 7 days.
GoCallYourMommy: Jesus Christ. That's some Call of Duty numbers. I had no idea. -blam!-ers better reinvest or they are missing out on the long term gravy train!!
[b]404Architect[/b]: Admittedly its less than that in real dollars, but $500 million in units were shipped to stores. That's, largely, how publishers inflate sales figures using the term "sell in." But that's how COD likely gets its numbers as well, so its a fair comparison.
[b]404Architect[/b]: Thank you for the kind words, Bungie has a lot of hard-working people at it who perform exceptionally under great pressure and tight deadlines. With that, I'm closing up my participation in the AMA, I think I've said enough. Thank you to everyone who reached out and kept things so civil.
See you starside. [/quote]
Part 3:
I thought reddit was some shady-ass place where people just curse at each other.
That's 4chan.
or Jersey
Pretty damn sick to my stomach that people would have even let this be produced. The way it is. I'm not surprised people left. And I now see that this game in no way shape or form will ever see 10 years worth of game play. Depressing I even waited this long
Right now I don't think it's even going to keep me entertained until Christmas, never mind ten years from now.
Fk you Activision you greedy fools. Ruined such a good game..
Wow. Just...What a shame. If this is accurate it certainly explains, well, pretty much everything. If anything, it makes me feel bad for Bungie.
I was wondering how my human corpse didn't rot after hundreds of years... Makes sense that the intro was meant for exo's.
Exactly, scavengers would have dismantled us. I guess the infinitely-powered floating monitor's light beams magically put guts back into you, replaced your bones and put some skin on you. What we needed was three different into's: The awoken (wtf does that name even mean) should start off in the Reef, you get your ship assembled and rejoin the story. The Awoken should also get more respect from the queen. The human, I don't know, maybe could have started off in a lab, a preserved body in stasis, or maybe you're still in cryosleep or something. Some lab in a bunker where your could have been preserved in that manner. The exo, yeah the original intro might be okay but why do we have to be in some ancient traffic jam. Why would an exo be stuck in a traffic jam. Maybe you could have woke up on the back of a factory truck that was delivering some exo's. All 3 races should have started out with certain faction bonuses, discounts, and maybe have that faction start at level 1.
Lol I know! I expected a little more respect from the queen, or maybe even sometinh like "you'r a traitor to your own people" as an awoken, but instead she treats you like a human. Not even the slightest acknowledgement of your race.
Edited by Longestfellow: 9/29/2014 10:39:00 PMdouble post
My heart goes out to Bungie, they are fighting a war of all kinds of fronts. I'm going to do my part a try to surpport them as much as I can with my wallet. It took 10 years for Halo to earn the status it had when Bungie was at the helm. Halo : Combat Evolved didnt have alot going for it gameplay wise or even story as far as the Game itself is concerned, and look what it blossemed in to?
What are you talking about? Halo: CE was a system seller at day one, released to overwhelmingly positive reception from critics and gamers alike, and had a much more cinematic, and engaging story than what people normally expected from video games. It always had a high status, always, even before it released.
He must be talking about by today's standards. Because everyone and I mean everyone who owned an xbox had ce, and several people who had PlayStation also bought a xbox specifically for ce.
Halo was the only reason I had an xbox og and a 360.
Edited by JDrz: 9/29/2014 11:47:03 PMMe too, well that and bmx xxx, the Xbox had the uncensored version and I was young, don't judge. It was before fast internet, you ever try to look at boobs on dial up, It was a process.
Didnt Bungie learn from Halo 3 that butchering stories to appeal to dumbasses with short attention spans is a bad idea? Christ this whole situation is so depressing.
Woah, what? I've never heard of them taking stuff from Halo 3's storyline.
Well Hunters and Grunts were supposed to fight on your side as well as Elites, but they cut that to avoid confusing players. Not to mention all the plot holes and crappy writing.
Edited by OrderedComa: 10/2/2014 11:12:16 PMAnd having friendlies and enemies that look [i][u][b]EXACTLY[/u][/b][/i] the same is going to confuse anyone playing no matter how good at the game they are, everyone is going to waste a precious few seconds trying to work out if that squad of aliens that just ran in or you blundered into around a corner is a force of friendlies or not, yes, they are going to be confused, that is a fact. Just look at how many times in games people accidentally shoot allies just because they look even [i]remotely[/i] similar to the enemy forces. They don't even need to be identical for people to get confused. It was being talked about purely from a gameplay perspective, absolutely no one would have been confused about it all in terms of the story and that is not what was being talked about when it came to avoiding confusing the player. And seriously? There aren't any more or worse plot holes in Halo 3 than there are in the vast majority of stories, [i]everything[/i] breaks down or starts getting ridiculous and/or unbelievable [i]somewhere[/i]. Especially when you start hyper-analyzing the shit out of it and go out of your way to actively [i]look[/i] for problems. If I wanted to I could find all kinds of plot holes in [i]any[/i] story that you could list (with minor caveat that I would know anything about the series or story in the first place, can't really do that sort of thing with something you don't know anything about). I don't even know where you're coming from with the whole "crappy writing" malarkey.
So sad. Destiny could have been amazing. Instead it's just another decent/good game. Was so hyped about it for a long time, but I couldn't care less if a decent game fails or succeeds. I wanted to, and was willing to invest in an epic experience, and this is not anything close. I'm sure as hell not going to prop up something like this by buying DLC either, hoping they turn it around. Other fish in the sea, next gen is just beginning.
So Bungie decided to work with a company that gutted their vision and molded into a product that would appeal to a larger group of gamers. I'm actually surprised that we got any RPG elements at all and Destiny wasn't just another game like id's Rage. Given the challenges they faced that is. I mean, look at what happened to Halo. Bungie's vision initially appeared to be so much more than what we got.