Seems legit though! Seems like he knows wat hes talking about and not just making some random shit up. Theres no way to prove its true im just saying that it seems legit to me.
It does to me as well, which is actually why it am skeptical lol
If it seems real why would u be skeptical? Im not saying believe it but why would u be more skeptical towards something that sounds real apposed to something that doesn't?
Because it sounds very well thought out, almost rehearsed. Lol i don't honestly know, I'm not gonna be accusing towards Bungie but I'm also not going to give them excuses unless they come out and confirm it.
I see. Good point
It honestly doesn't matter to me what happened, I mean I would feel bad if this was true but they are a business. You need to be prepared for every eventuality, and a developer leaving at that stage in development wouldn't "own" the rights to all his work unless he was entirely dishonest and cheating Bungie the whole time.... Meh the point of it all is Destiny isn't what people expect and people are more than willing to point fingers instead of taking it for what it is
Ya. I just wanna know wat happened! By that i mean what the reason was for gutting the game before launch and the reason behind changing the story. Because i know this game was good at one point and im bummed that they had to change it
Watch the video chaotic angel posted a couple posts below