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5/6/2018 11:39:22 PM

Prismatic Matrices are a backhanded response to our complaints about the eververse

I came back after 5 months to see if Warmind actually changes things enough to stick around, but the way things are headed microtransaction wise, that may not be the case. As explained by this youtube video, Bungie is adding a new type of lootbox to D2 called "Prismatic Matrix" that guarantees fewer duplicate items. While this doesn't do much, I still consider it an improvement over the current situation. Or rather I would consider it an improvement if it weren't for the fact that you now need keys called "Prismatic Facets" to open them. As if that isn't bad enough, the new lootbox will give you a random item from a set of ten items chosen each week, but you can only earn one key per week through gameplay. Guess how you have to get the remaining items from that set? That's right, you have to buy them with real money. Bungie, or whoever is in charge of designing the monetization strategies at bungie, I feel like every time you take a step forward to actually improve it, you not only take two steps back, but then you backhand us for even suggesting that the game needs to improve. Please, for once actually do what the community wants and remove the bright engrams, the prismatic matrices and any other lootboxes you've added or plan to add. If you must have microtransactions, then allow us the ability to browse a catalogue and actually purchase the cosmetic items we want. And while you're at it, change shaders so that they're not one-time use anymore. That was a stupid design choice and everyone knows you did it just to milk more money through the microtransactions. With all that said, please understand, that I dont hate you. Rather, I am just frustrated and fed up with how you've treated us, the playerbase, whether you meant to or not.Most of us that are still here now are here because you made great games before and we just want Destiny 2 to be good too, but as it stands I dont think I can even call it decent. Who knows, maybe Warmind will change things, despite this new lootbox, but im just tired of it all. Either you actually do what we've asked or you don't, only the future will tell what happens.

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