Should I get it? It looks cool, but I don't know how I feel about it.
The MH series is literally why I bought the 3ds. I love MH4U and am extremely happy about the online capabilities. If you like skill and timing based combat, get it. Only downside is you won't have abilities to abuse, but there are passives that you can gain through armor. That said, there's a weapon for any personality type, and if you can't decide, there's weapons like the Insect Glaive thats easy to learn, though there is plenty to master, so you're going to continue to grow with it. Don't let someone fool you into thinking it's a newbie weapon. It's deemed so because of it's easy use given that you can spam the insect attack that homes in on a painted target from range while you dodge attacks, but there is a lot to learn with it. Eg. If you spam the new mounting feature (the glaive has a jump attack that allows you to climb on monsters for a minigame that does decent damage and knocks the monster over for allies to get free hits) you're also preventing allies from attacking, as any attack outside of the mount will cause the rider to fly off and take damage. Btw, I made a group "Monster Hunters psn" for players like us. If you're on psn I'll happily join you in a party on there for voice chat while we run through some missions, get you situated and just have fun killing!