Now I know I read that the exotics won't duplicate ifnyou have them but for some reason my luck with this game is BS. 3 st 14s, 2 ruin wing, and 2 chest peices. And any exotic weapon was from the quests.... 3 of coin gives me nothing but the same bs over and over. Evem the nightfalls give me crap and more ruin wimgs!!!! Destiny wtf are you doing. Insee streamers get all the good shit but I have a life and a job. So why punish thoes for not playing hours on end?? Old exptics are worthless and quest exotics are crap so what's my motivation to continue playimg this game? 2k16, madden, metal gear, all much better than this shit ass call of duty/halo 6 BS. Take a rnhG que from elder scrolls or a game that has good RNG history. Jerks
The loot system absolutely has a bias towards gear you recently aquired. Trust me I play way too much, and have personally experienced it countless times. Here's an example! Today I got a special engram that turned into invective. Then I ran the nightfall and got invective. Then I ran another nightfall and got invective again...