So I want to begin this by saying that I love the new difficulty in activities. Whereas I used to just mow right through enemies, now there is a challenge in certain areas. The rewards could be a lot better but I think Bungie already knows that by now.
With that all said, please, PLEASE FIX BLACKOUT! 20× more melee damage from enemies= getting 1 shotted every time. Its even worse when its the Lake of Shadows Strike and those Taken Walls blast their energy. Please bring it down a notch, maybe 10× more damage.
In Destiny 1, Lightswitch during a Fallen or Hive strike was pure terror. But could survive it with maybe 1 sliver of health remaining. But in Destiny 2, Thralls are now the most powerful melee attackers next to Vandals.
That's still probably fatal.