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Destiny 2X

「Welcome Destiny 2 on Xbox」

  • 任務聲明

    [b]"Welcome to the World of Destiny 2!"[/b] [i][b]I am Azrael the Clanleader, if you need any help don't hesitate to ask. Thanks for your support and have fun gaming.[/b][/i] [u][b]FB: [/u][/b] [u][b]Twitter:[/b][/u] Sorry for the inconvenience. I know, a lot of people sent me some mails and messages and a lot of more. I couldn't answer all of your requests. Since the filtersystem in Facebook and Twitter is restricted and Iam not able to change this. Somehow a lot of messages just didnt get to me as well or got to me with a really long delay (months)... I am sorry for this and I hope you guys still enjoying playing Destiny. Wih the new upcoming Game "Destiny 2" I am going to try my best to deal with all of your requests and furthermore hope to play with few of you on Xbox One (Destiny X1). Thanks for your support, your time and enjoy playing. Best wishes and good luck to all of you.

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