I remember there were a select few back in the day that would brag for days about how they got Recon for beating Bungie teams in special events.
Then the VidMaster achievements came out. They were a pain in the ass, especially the ones on ODST, but after hours of determination, my buddies and I finally unlocked the most elusive helmet in Halo 3.
And I can remember how those that had "earned" their Recon through special events were pissed that us "casuals" could get it just by finishing a few achievements.
It's just as ridiculous to keep that mentality in Destiny today with "Earning vs Xurning", as it was back then in Halo 3.
由VSG Boy編輯: 3/20/2015 4:18:39 PMHow about the blue flame helmet in Reach that you got if you had an iPhone and downloaded the Bungie app when it first came out? That was pretty neat...but sadly it made you more visible and a better target. Oh, almost forgot that it also gave you the Bungie banner that only employees could use up to that time. I lost count of all the people who didn't know better sending me friend requests cause they thought I worked for Bungie...stupid suckups.
No one in this forum played halo and probably has no idea what ODST even means. It's a sad but glaring truth
1 回覆
And you're comparing "I can haz recon?" to what exactly in Destiny? Couldn't make it out after reading the wall of text.