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6/12/2015 3:32:21 AM

The Reconnect is helpful, but....

i like the new reconnect feature that has been added to the gameplay, but the thing is a very mischievious feature. more than one time, i have had this happen to me while i was fighting wolves. half of them were wasted times as it rebooted me, but removed the wolves in the process. with the lack of getting more than one go at the ether chest that alot of players have done when it was possible, it is a freaking long time to get a treasure chest. the only time i have found the pesky things is in the poe treasure room itself and that is a one out of fifty chance. there is over one minute to find the chest, why not add two or three more to the area instead of just one, because i never heard of any scavenging creatures with just one chest or pile of treasure from looting. Seriously.



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