You've removed our stats from year one items that some of us liked to use.
If we want to raid the vault dressed in kabr' armor, and weapons. Our stats have been nerfed.
You can have 2 grenades with armentarium but the discipline went from 163 to 17.
This is the third time I've had to upgrade thunderlord after grinding legendary marks for re purchase.
Bounties also give way less rep. There isn't much to spend glimmer on. With the economy.
There is a grind, and then there is a re-grind.
You may think giving people too much to do will keep them playing the game, but it burns us out.
We want to play destiny. Not grind it to death. Aside from the people who spend hours at loot caves.
End the re-grind. For the love of God. Put acceptable stats on year one gear.
We dismantle a piece of IB, or raid gear, and get nothing?
Even if they're fixed stats. I'm deleting my warlock, and just running 2 Titans because of this, and I haven't done anything with the other Titan. Not a nightfall, or a raid.