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9/8/2015 9:09:48 PM

RIP Hopscotch Pilgrim - Weeks of time gone to waste

I am normally on here defending bungie and the changes they have made, and the nerfs they have made. But I just discovered one that has me very pissed off. The change to Hopscotch Pilgrim. I spent weeks grinding Dragon Strikes to get this gun specifically for its stability and impact combination, I would have gotten the messenger if I could stand trials, but people take that too seriously and makes the game mode zero fun to me. And if I wanted the 55A-Allfate I would have purchased it from the vendor and not grind-ed for this weapon. I come to find that the gun has literally been turned into a re-skinned 55A-Allfate now. Why does this get targeted like that when the Messenger with Perfect Balance is almost identical, and that gets left alone? Leaving behind my VoG weapons from the PVE activities is one thing, I can still pull them out for crucible and it doesn't seem like my time was wasted. But taking a weapon that I spent 2 to 3 weeks grinding to get to drop, then another week reforging to get perks that I liked, is actually making the time I spent getting the gun a waste. I now can't even use a weapon I worked hard for a loved for regular crucible, because it literally is no more.



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  • 由Pixel Crisis編輯: 9/10/2015 6:16:48 PM
    LOL. First off, just get the spare change .25 ... Also video games are a waste. If everything was exactly how you wanted. And the game goes offline years from now...guess what? All those years were wasted. Its entertainment, and if u didn't have fun grinding for that gun, you're playing the wrong game for the wrong reasons bud.



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