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由Rudderbutter編輯: 10/30/2015 10:24:48 AM

Kings Fall Platforming/communication issues.

What is it about the platforming on the daughters/oryx that is so hard for everyone? What's so hard about jumping/floating up some [b]clearly visible[/b] platforms? "Just jump up and go left when the platforms are to your left", then they jump up two platforms and say "where's the next platform?" Did you not listen to me? Did I not say the platforms will be to the left? I can see the platform from where I'm standing. I'm not saying that I don't want to help you learn how to do the raid, but the least you could do is listen... Turn off the music that you're blasting into your mic and stop eating chips and maybe you'll hear not just what I'm saying but the rest of the team too. In the end though... It really just comes down to the fact that some people are not communicating enough or they don't care about the amount of other peoples time their wasting, five other peoples time. Not just their own.



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