Yeah this is the luckiest moment of my life.
Also I needed new underwear after that kill.
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He probably reported you for that. Professional car racing is not fair when you use that kind of CLUTCH.
Same thing happened to me this morning! It was trials, the map is asylum. The score is 4-4, it's 1 VS 3. My super is ready, I rush into the enemy, preparing myself for the win. I jump into the air, I activate my super. My screen goes red, The grey pop up comes up, "all allies down" I check the kill feed, a sniper headshot. My mind has gone wild, I'm running around the house going insane. [u]the end[/u]
GRRRRRRR WHY IS EVERYONE USING A FREAKING SNIPER? I HATW IT WHEN IM IN SUPER MODE THEN BOOP NOPE!!!! Sigh....sorry I had to get that off my chest. Anyways good shot. [spoiler]I hate snipers with a passion btw.[/spoiler]