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1/22/2016 3:42:27 PM

Skill Based Matchmaking - I miss the casualness from before it was introduced

I am normally a huge Bungie and Destiny supporter but the announcement of the skill based matchmaking really made all of the frustrations I was having with the crucible before my 2 week work trip make a whole lot of sense. After reading my motivation to get back on has dropped significantly. As a more casual player, due to my work schedule especially this time of the year, I want to get on a video game as a way to have fun, escape, and relieve stress, but getting matchmade with nothing but sweatys, just makes me experience on Destiny annoying and also stressful. I miss the casual nature of the prior way of matchmaking. I liked being able to hop on and hover around a 1.0 KD and have fun without really have to try too hard, being able to try out any loadout I wanted, and just enjoy myself. But now I get on and just get annoyed. Does anyone else miss the casual nature the games PvP used to have?



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