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由tmenke88編輯: 9/22/2016 3:19:31 PM

Can we please get more Vault space now?

I think my title pretty much sums it up. I love all the new gear and weapons that RoI has given us, but what am I to do with it all? Bungie said that they weren't increasing vault space but that it wouldn't be an issue. What have they done to help? The separation of consumables and chromas has helped slightly but come on Bungie.. That's not gonna solve the problem of a full vault. I'm not even a hoarder of yr1 weapons and the vault is still 98% full from all the really good weapons I got in yr2. The fact that you can't reroll those weapons make them all the more rare. I'd rather not delete them to make room for all the new ones. The legacy consoles are gone..let's ramp up the storage space Bungie.



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