It seems you are getting some of the Destiny editions mixed up. There is no Rise of Iron Collector's Edition.
There is [b]Destiny: Rise of Iron[/b] which includes just Rise of Iron.
There is [b]Destiny - The Collection[/b] which includes Destiny the game, The Dark Below, House of Wolves, The Taken King, and Rise of Iron. That's it.
The 3 Exotic class items, 3 Shaders, and 3 Emotes were from the [b]Desitny: The Taken King Digital Collector's Edition[/b] that was sold only during Year 2.
Just to clarify, you have Destiny: The Collection ... there is no Collectors Edition of ROI
I believe you are talking about the Exotic cloak from the TTK Collectors edition, which is not indicated as being included in the Collection ([i]at least not the collector edition upgrade portion[/i]). There used to be a way to buy that TTK Collectors Edition upgrade by itself, but I'm not sure it is any longer. You could search your console's marketplace and see if it is available.
The night stalkers cloak was part of the Taken King Collectors Edition content. RoI does not have a collectors edition. The RoI bundles are called "The Collection" and do not include the Collectors Edition content.