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1/29/2017 12:04:08 PM

am I the only one getting contacting destiny servers since yesterday?

I wonder. Also getting constant errors cloudberry, stork, etc. Thrown out of games and sent back to the welcome screen, PS4 happening since yesterday evening starting roughly 14 hours ago. This is a message for other players not for bungie so please dont ask me to check my internet etc. Thanks



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  • [quote]I wonder. Also getting constant errors cloudberry, stork, etc. Thrown out of games and sent back to the welcome screen, PS4 happening since yesterday evening starting roughly 14 hours ago. This is a message for other players not for bungie so please dont ask me to check my internet etc. Thanks[/quote] That is happening since the last update , it is not an Internet error, bungie is investigating to solve it soon



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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