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由c0ntagion編輯: 1/30/2017 8:56:13 PM

Concerns of an Average Guardian (You know the, Hive-Bane, Slayer of Oryx, Lord/Lady Guardian, Captor of Skolas, etc...)

Tl;dr: Will new studio partnerships cause game and soundtrack quality to go away? [b]Hello.[/b] I am [i]TheLegend27[/i], and I have a few concerns about the future of destiny. I thought I would share these concerns with you all because of the fact that we all care about Destiny (I could be wrong about that though). Some of the things I'm going to talk about won't necessarily concern you, but these all concern me. [quote]Background Information[/quote] As many of us know, Bungie has decided to partner up with some other studios. This being Vicarious Visions ([url][/url]), and High Moon Studios ([url][/url]). We can all be sure that this is for Destiny 2's development. Why? I believe that this is to keep the content droughts from happening again. This shows that Bungie understands (thanks!) that we are all hungry to blow shit up. They want us to get new content on a regular basis, so that we do not have a repeat of Destiny 1. [b]Okay, big news TheLegend27. We all knew that a long time ago.[/b] This is where my concerns come in. [quote]My Concerns[/quote] With the new studios added into the mix; what will this mean for us? Yes, no more content droughts, but what about the game itself. The lore, the gameplay, the characters, the level-design: all shared between them now. This could be a great thing. These studios might bring Destiny through a golden age. Although, It could also mean that Destiny 2 could suck. With new studios come big risks. Destiny 2 might end up not being what we thought. A little bit of each studios' style is going to implement itself in the game. I think that this is a big concern we should all have as this could affect our experience in Destiny 2. Next, The [i]music[/i]. Ah, the anthems in the background. You're stunning Aksis, Time's Vengeance just went active, you're grouped up for Oryx's final stand, Skolas is in low health with mines active, Vosik challenges you, and Y1 orbit music. All of these great moments. All narrated by the soundtrack. This is my concern. These new studios are going to affect our music. Whether it be that they help develop it (doubt it), or they create so much content that Bungie's music department cannot keep up. I'm afraid that our really great music is going to be affected in Destiny 2. Will getting rid of content droughts cause the music department to not have enough time to develop music? Could this lead to generic music? Could our new favorite moments in Destiny 2 lose that feeling like Destiny 1 had? I hope not, but it is a question I believe needs to be brought up. Those are my concerns Guardians. Please [b]bump[/b] for Bungie to see. I think these are important, and I'm sure you guys do too.



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