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2/19/2017 9:02:21 PM

Destiny: The battle between the casual and the hardcore.

Hello Guardians, My name is Adam, but within the world of Destiny I'm T w K o. I've been playing this game for years and it's been my happiness crutch. I've bought many many other games trying to get over this Destiny high, but its just not fading away. The franchise is brilliant and the toys you people are coming out with are astonishing and breath taking. I've spent well over $1000 and probably 6k+ hours into the sorts of games you guys of Bungie put out throughout the years. I say all of this to say I don't want to see you guys fail. You are a part of my family as well as all the other Destiny lovers out there. We are family. But to get to the point..I feel like you guys are killing Pvp. I've always been a decent player, but this meta you're trying to create is causing more harm then good. And next my heart feels like you're going to nerf my favorite gun.. The No Land Beyond. You guys are smart, but you can't keep nerfing things and expect balance. Side arms were 50%+ of the kills in TOO this weekend that right there just says everything. Here's a couple of things that I find personally that would help. 1.) Have a pvp stat and a pve stat on every gun developed. 2.) Lose a percentage of special every time you die and not the entire clip. 3.) Increase special crate spawn time, but killing guardians will grant a chance of special ammo. (Kinda how the rainbow metal works in pve. - Primary and secondary kills as a unit grants special) 4.) All weapon archetypes have their own intrinsic perk regarding health, armor, health regen. EXAMPLE: Snipers grant small incriminates of health regen. Shoguns grant a slight boost of armor. Fusions grant agility boost. Sidearms grant quickdraw. (Not my idea, but was provided by a friend.) 5.) Take heavy rounds out of trials completely and made round 3 the no respawn round to make it more competitive or make the entire Trials event a no-respawn-zone! I know you can't change how player plays the game, but you can change how the game is played by the player. If you die over and over by the same gun it's not the guns fault it's how you engage your opponent. Be smart, play smart, love the game, love the players, and use your salt on your fries & not within anger. - See you starside, T w K o



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