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3/29/2017 6:45:49 PM

Can Sterling Engrams drop Desolate Armor?

Hey guys!I have a question in regards to the new update. I noticed they took Sterling Treasures out of the silver dust stores, but they have Sterling Engrams now. Is there any chance you can get pieces of Desolate armor out of those like you could with Sterling Treasures? I have all of the Desolate Armor pieces except for the torso/chest and I've been snagging as many sterling treasures as I can every week (grand total of 2) up until this point and have had no luck :(. Wanted to see if I'm just wasting my silver dust on sterling engrams hoping for a Desolate Torso. I know you can still get one Sterling Treasure a week from the Prison of Elders with the new update since I got one last night which still gives me a little ounce of hope~! In any case, cheers and enjoy the new update! -Axis



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