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原先發佈於:Community Carnage
由Seraphim Crypto編輯: 4/23/2017 5:39:00 PM

[FINISHED] Community Carnage - Halo: Reach - Saturday 04/22

Hey everyone, Community Carnage here coming up with another Halo: Reach Gamenight! Let's kick some ass (likely each other's)! To sign up, please reply with your Gamertag. ________________________________ What time will this take place? [spoiler]This will take place on Saturday, April 22nd. - Xbox lobby will start at: 4:00pm Pacific time 7:00pm Eastern time 12:00am UK time [/spoiler] Please note that it is possible to play Halo: Reach on the Xbox One, and you can connect to Xbox 360 Players of Halo: Reach. ________________________________ [b]XBOX fireteam. 4:00pm Pacific.[/b] [quote]Fireteam leader: [url=]Seraphim Crypto[/url] 2. Vincenzo2xs (GT: vincenzo g77) 3. Ginger (GT: GingerlyWalnut3) 4. Grifball (GT: Dualiteit) 5. Enigmatic Entity (GT: D34D B4 U KNOW) 6. raveun2me (GT: raveun2me) 7. FanaticalSmough (GT: Starkiller249) 8. Progo (GT: Progo7) 9. The n00banater (GT: Th3 n00banater) 10. Ulysses (GT: Valhalla BNG) 11. VicariousSage18 (GT: VicariousSage18) 12. CommanderLouiz (GT: CommanderLouiz) 13. 14. 15. 16. Alt: 1. Zofo (GT: Zofo) 2. Oh no its Colt (GT: Oh no its Colt) [/quote] [b]Please note that you will be added to an alt list if the lobby is full when you sign up. Alts will be invited if someone can't make it or doesn't show up.[/b] If anybody has the ability to stream the game night, it will be very appreciated. See ya there! __________ [b]EDIT: Thank you everyone for joining. It was a blast![/b] [b]Last Update: Sun April 23rd, 10:38am PDT, 7:38pm CEST[/b]



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