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2/9/2018 1:58:56 AM

Curated Prestige should NOT replace the current Prestige!

Yeah, so that curated thing they're talking about in TWAB? That's apparently going to REPLACE the current Prestige in, for all Raids. Prestige Mode will only be available for ONE RAID EACH WEEK, no way of even attempting it otherwise. On top of that, you will be FORCED to adhere to some kind of loadout restriction that changes each week for the entire duration of your Prestige Mode Challenge! Is it just me, or does that sound just a bit too unnecessarily complicated? Hey, Bungie! Leave current Prestige Mode alone! The system in D1 was perfectly fine! If you want to try something new, don't use it to replace something that's already there! Make Curated Mode an optional challenge and have some unique rewards for it or something! [i]"But we already have unique rewards for the current Prestige Mode! You want MORE unique rewards for an entirely NEW mode on top of that?"[/i] Well, you're the ones trying to needlessly complicate shit, not me. Either add it on top as its own separate thing, or don't do it at all. Don't have it replace the current Prestige Mode.



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