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由LeVante編輯: 4/8/2018 11:47:55 AM

Please do *NOT* lower the ttk, it'd be a mistake!

I'm a great fan, have been playing since D1 y1 and I still play Destiny2 today on a regular basis. Destiny has a decent amount of years of my entertainment life. The current TTK is longer I know and I like to think that it was designed so on purpose to give more chances to change the result of the gunfight. Staying on target is a skill as much as dodging & strafing. When the ttk is low, the necessary time for such skills is short therefore many less players will be able to do that in a short time. The result is that the meta will move onto guns that kill incredibly fast and unfortunately that would be handcannons where 2/3 taps will end the engagement with very little or no chances at all to revert the result. This is bad! Give more chances to [b]MORE PLAYERS[/b] to be good, rather than unbalancing everything towards weapons that kill in a ridiculous time! I hated D1 y3 where. Basically 3 tap (or 2 with luck in the chamber) could end the match so ridiculously fast...and good luck dodging & strafing in that short time. I like Destiny 2 because I always see people with different guns. Yes of course there is a lot of Mida, there will always be a preferred weapon but [i][b]people go into a gunfight with whatever weapon they feel more confident and they can do that because they know that there is a reasonable time to counter the opponent[/b][/i]. Taking away such confidence is a mistake that is preferred only by highly skilled players and [b]Destiny 2 is a game for everyone, not only for highly skilled players[/b].



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