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由KING KAIYOTE編輯: 5/23/2018 7:10:56 AM

Desperado as a possible random roll

Now I’ve been thinking about it and got some feed back from other people on it but I think it’d be pretty dope if desperado could be one of the many random perks that’ll drop for high impact pulses as well as scouts... I know a lot of people will get booty tickled by that but I feel like that’d bring a lot of variety to the game and bring high impact guns into the meta for crucible in the future... and to be honest if this doesn’t happen I feel like the redrixs claymore should be made into an exotic rather than it being legendary with a perk only exclusive to that one weapon seeing as how the only weapons like that are EXOTIC... I’m interested in seeing everybodies thoughts if this blows up... I’d really like to see this shit happen but we’ll see....



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