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由Paradox1055編輯: 7/5/2018 4:21:03 AM

Daybreak Wars Ch. 13 pt. 2: Stuck Between a Mountain and a Hard Place

Blake helped medics remove bullets, stitch up wounds, and wrap up exposed skin. While it was over relatively quickly, Blake was forced to experience time in slow motion, especially during the burials. “These things happen,” the medic that previously patched up Blake, Sandra Cohen, said.     “They didn't have to,” Blake said back as he tried to wipe the guilt and sorrow from his face. “We knew they were coming, even before they showed up… I let what Kendrick say distract me, but he was right…”     “I know your type,” Sandra said. “You don't have to carry the weight of responsibility alone. We all know the dangers the Cabal present, and whether we admit it or not, we all understand not all of us will make it…” Blake glared at her. “I’m just saying that we all carry this burden, not just you…”     “Iota!” Icarus screamed as he, Kaber, Kendrick, and Lafayette searched the crash site. “Iota!”     “Did you see that?!” Iota cheered as she popped out of the snow. Scorch marks covered much of her body, and a part of her face lost its pristine blue and silver color and instead appeared dull and gray. Nanites still skittered through the snow to repair her body. She immediately recoiled when she realized Icarus was not alone.     “I didn't realize you were an exo,” Lafayette said softly.     “You weren't supposed to see me in this form,” Iota said as she typed on the screen on her wrist.     “Iota, I wouldn't activate your mirage if I were you,” Icarus warned.     “Why?” Iota asked as she stopped typing.     “Because I still have your jumpsuit…” the ghost continued. Iota's eyes brightened as she glanced down; she let herself sink back into the snow as she also crossed her arms across her chest.     Lafayette tapped Kendrick's shoulder. “Yeah, we’ll give you two some privacy.” The two Guardians started to walk away, but Kaber awkwardly lingered around. Kendrick grabbed the Awoken’s arm and dragged him with them.     Iota waited for her nanites to finish assembling, repairing her blue and silver paint job around her head. Her right arm was still covered in burns and her hand was still missing. Once the nanotechnology that made up her body quit homing on her, Icarus transmatted her armor back on her. “How do I look?” she asked partially sarcastically.     “I know you don't personally like it, but you look great,” Icarus replied.     “Thanks,” Iota said sheepishly, but she grinned nonetheless.     Iota and Icarus returned to main camp to see a crowd of demoralized refugees and Guardians alike. Some people were repairing the wings of the hawk, but no one was confident the ship could break atmosphere. Once it was finished, the few survivors boarded the ship and took their seats. “Still need a pilot?...” Iota asked Blake, who was hunched over, hands locked behind his head.



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