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由Spawn編輯: 7/11/2018 11:52:53 AM

Microsoft banned my GT...

A little preface to where my gamer tag came from. D1 player since beta, was running a Wrath of the Machine raid with friends and one rando. Since i was playing with friendsand work buddies, we called out by our real names. Mine being "Tim" One of my friends messed up a mechanic on aksis phase 2 so i ran over to him and squated on his dead body a few times. Out of no where this 12 year old kids yells out, "LOOK AT TIM!! HE IS TEA BAGGING RAUL!! TEA BAG TIM TEA BAG TIM TEA BAG TIM!!!" From that point forward my GT was TBagTim, until recently... I got two hate mail messages due to those shitty modifiers in heroic strikes, brawler with no radar. I played like crap bc i am a titan with synthoceps and can't be bothered with playing from a distance. I didnt reply to their msgs only reported due to profane name calling. This week, i get my GT changed due to offending someone and getting reported. My name now is "Faintkitten" WTF MAN!!! [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Help forum where you can find answers and troubleshoot any Destiny in-game / / companion app issues, courtesy of other helpful players and [url=]Mentors[/url]. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
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