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10/17/2018 12:39:01 PM

Destiny is amazing, or am I just lucky?

I have never had a phase of disliking Destiny. I first played during D1 Year 2 and the only reason for me stopping was yellow lights of death on my PS3. In that time I made over 15 friends, completed all available raids, and got 3 characters to endgame. I completely missed D2 launch and started playing just over a month ago when Forsaken was released. And now the game is many times better than I remembered. It's very convenient to play most of the time. The animations and gunplay have always been one of the best shooting experiences in a video game for me. And you have to constantly optimise loadouts for every encounter (when trying to be most efficient). This game to me is far more engaging than most multiplayer games. You actually have to use your damn brain. Of course, RNG, huge factor. But you get what you're given tbh. Anyone who's ever gambled before can understand. When I get an engram, it's foolish to want it to be something. I've unlocked around 30 exotics so far, and got most of them twice. But until I get my Shards of Galanor, I'm alright melting hundreds of mobs at lightning pace with my Ophidia Spathe build. That's just how it is. I don't need a V wing to feel comfortable playing again someone with a V wing. Why be like that when I have 10 mobility and The Chaperone? And that isn't even an RNG weapon. Have Destiny games really been that bad at launch? I started both games in Year 2, and I've still had plenty of brushes with broken mechanics, but there's so many ways to play this game. I see a common trend of why people hate on this game: -Wanting one exotic, never getting it -Being killed by said exotic -Being outplayed by the other 2 classes -Too much grind -Not understanding this game is for us, not for me or you All problems to do with simply not playing the game enough. This game gets better and better with experience; the content is timed, and [b]not[/b] determinant on your progress. Until one day you'll start shitting on noobs with Hard Light because you've just learned to optimise your class [b]that[/b] well (good luck with that if you try by the way). If the game gets boring take a break. There's only [b]one[/b] weekly reset in a week, duh. Spend a day in the crucible, spend a day with the vanguard, spend a day in gambit, the dreaming city, exotic quests, wanted bounties, lost sectors. There's almost too much to do, but dont treat them like chores. You're here to shoot things, role play, make friends. Not just unlock stuff. And certainly not to jump on to have the game patched for some bitch reason every month. The only [b]real[/b] problem I've ever had is the loading times. But throughout this summer I've purchased quite a few games and none, even the best of them, lasted longer than 2 weeks before uninstall. Meanwhile I'm still out here in Destiny 7 weeks later grinding my balls off and my main is only at 580. I'm a completionist gamer, and destiny is the only game really that ever satisfied that - 600 power isn't really even the end, and that's just for now. You can't speedrun Destiny, you can't play through Destiny once. To be honest, you can't even truly beat the game. And this is such a good thing. Is it only me?



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