Truth, a rocket launcher with 3 in the tube, insane tracking, and grenades and horseshoes has a place in this game (even though it's clearly an issue in Gambit).
Izanagi's Burden, a sniper rifle that allows you to one-shot-body anyone, has a place in this game (even though it's annoying in Gambit).
A special grenade launcher (you know the one) that out performs heavy rocket launchers in both DPS and overall damage has a place in this game.
Outbreak Perfected when used with teammates completely outperforms rocket launchers and it has a place in this game.
Grenade launchers that in general completely out perform rockets have a place in this game.
And yet, Gjallarhorn does not have a place in this game? Why Bungie? Why?
Also, buff rockets. 386 damage in PvP is not enough. Invaders and supers can survive that and that just doesn't make sense. It's a rocket launcher.
Edit: I'm not calling for nerfs at all. All I'm saying is that if weapons that allow essentially free kills during invasions in Gambit where invading determines the outcome of the match and grenade launchers completely outperform rockets in every activity, there doesn't seem to he a reason to keep Gjallarhorn out of the game. That's it. I'm saying we have so many powerful options that Gjallarhorn should be one of them.
For the love of god why do you people want to ruin gjallahorn even more???? Do you really think that it’s going to be good? Do ya, huh huh do ya? No if it’s the solar week quest I’m going to be so pissed because THATS NOT GJALLAHORN. Gjallahorn is an elusive son of a -blam!- to get but that’s the glory of it it could take you 10 hours or 10,000 hours due to rng and it’s incredibly low drop rate BECAUSE it’s -blam!-ing powerful. It was already ruined by nerfing it and giving it to everyone and then you -blam!- it’s dead body in year 3 and now you want to somehow find a way to -blam!- it up more? “Oh yeah lets just give everyone a quest for it everyone will love it” no we won’t because if everyone’s gonna get a quest that destroys the whole point of the weapon not to mention everyone getting it means it’s gonna be: A) complete trash B) good but as a result of everyone having instant access to it it’ll flood all activities and you are gonna come to these forums and -blam!- and cry until it’s nerfed into the ground. I am very passionate about this issue lmao
Its been data mined that we are getting a solar exotic rocket launcher during Solar Week and I SWEAR TO GOD IF ITS THE -blam!-ING DRAGONS BREATH... well i wont do anything but ill be upset
dude truth is easily avoidable just like Jotunn its called go behind something that cancels it out
I think Bungie is using this to create demand for GHorn. Make rockets so bad...that no one wants to use them. Then buff them....and announce that GHorn is coming back ot eh game.
we are about to have a hand cannon that literally one shots and yet bows still cant one shot in crucible. This games balance is falling apart, ghallorhorn is basically the same thing as the wardriff coil with tracking and projectiles seeking targets. The issue with bringing the weapon back is how often heavy ammo spawns in crucible and how easy every encounter will be in pve. Having that thing come back would break the game unless bungie releases the gun nerfed to balance it or change how heavy spawns in crucible and then change how often bosses can take damage in strikes or whatever
There saving it for when they’re getting desperate. My guess it will be what they try and get us to buy D3 with. It’s the one weapon they know will get ppl playing again because some have never used it and it’s nostalgic for the ones that have, they’re gonna wait until they need a jump in player count before they use that ace up their sleeve.
Only issue I have with truth is it gets 3 rockets in crucible. And Mountain top cant put dps swarm I’m pretty sure. And grenade launchers will EASILY out DPS a rocket... And how is izabagi an issue? You eat up your ammo so fast and it takes some time to load up the honed edge x4...
If they brought ghally back it would be the post nerfed crappy version. And it literally as one fellow said used to generate hype. It won’t sell me on the game. The only thing will get me to fork over anymore money will be new and I mean all new not just recolored aka reskinned content. No thanks I loved the old girl in her hay day. I think it did have a place in destiny bridging the skill gap. But it’s not enough to get my business back.
“Invaders and supers can survive that” Let me know when you actually use Truth against invaders in Gambit. Yes, it’s probably the only option in terms of rockets but if you don’t like where they’re at right now just don’t use them. Bungie will interpret that as feedback when they look at what’s being used the most vs. what’s being used the least and tweak those numbers to be more balanced. They did it with grenade launchers, I don’t see why they wouldn’t do it with rockets in the near future.
Gjallerhorn and icebreaker do not have a place because no one wants to go back to NEED GJALLERHORN or NEED icebreaker for raids.
Add- But Whisper was SOOOO game breaking that they had to fix it so you wouldn’t have ammo rewarding you for having good aim?
Cause then would you really want to see “must haz gally plus 400 raid clears no dying or kick” on LFG again? I think that’s why they’re scared to bring it back.
You seriously think Bungie would just throw Gjallarhorn in as a seasonal exotic? It was literally used as a selling point for preordering Rise of Iron, when it comes back It will be very well known and milked for a much as it can be. Trust me, it will return, and it will be glorious.