I am new to the game and really want to enjoy it. I have started getting into Gambit/Prime and I have played maybe 50 games so far. Over half of my games have had anywhere from 1 to 6 botters (The pic I posted was a game with 6) and it is just unbelievable that they are getting away with this on such a large scale. I report them every time, but it seems like they have no fear of Bungie's punishment. The worst part is if I leave a bot filled game I am the one that gets punished. I know it is probably worse because of the Solstice Event, but this is so unhealthy for a pvp community. Let me say again, I REALLY want to like this game.
Yes especially for this week last of the afk hopefully as solstice is ending soon. But any time there is a bounty in gambit to just complete matches without a win or score it will happen again