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由DeusEstDraco編輯: 9/17/2019 6:13:47 AM

(US PS4) LATE NIGHT clan "The Ascended Knight's" are recruiting!

Are you a Knight Owl? Have you ever been in a full clan that is super active in the day but there is no one on to play with at 12 am? So have we Guardian, so have we... This clan is being built upon the premise of LATE NIGHT gamers. We are The Ascended Knight's and this is a clan that is here to band together under the moon and defeat The Darkness! We are a group of Guardians who engage is all PvE activites with aspirations to form raid groups once our numbers grow. This is first and foremost a LATE NIGHT PvE clan but PvP is fun too, let's get those engrams! *DO NOT APPLY IF YOU ARE NOT ARE NOT A LATE NIGHT PLAYER* >>>Requirements<<< -Majority of time played must be between 8pm - 6am US -18+ adults only, we got lives and jobs -Be a cool person -Discord required I'll be conducting short interviews via in game app for all interested candidates
#Clans #nightlife



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