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4/7/2019 6:01:17 PM

Raid Loot duplicates

Three of my powerful Last Wish drops were freaking Apex Predator. Three. Of Four. Bungie please do something about duplicate drops. I can’t keep devoting days to doing raids and getting nothing to show for it. If I had to guess the loot I’ve gotten from the raid, I’d say it’s about 50% Apex Predator, 30% Boots, 10% helmets, and 10% new things. Been running the raid since week 2 of its launch and still don’t have half the weapons.



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  • Yep, this season and last season. Grinding for pinnacles is a joke also. Iron banner, two Shining Sphere's RL. Umberal engrams, 5xchest pieces in a row, I mean FFS, that's not RNG. And when grinding pinnacles, I had 3 x 1059 weapons, so I complete the Crucible pinnacle, and get a 1058 Enigma's draw, when all the amour is still at 1057.... I mean if you already have 1059 pinnacle on all weapons, then drop armor. Last season, I was stuck on 1009 wanting a Class Item on the Hunter.... after 6 weeks in a row of doing all the pinnacles, raids, it would not drop a cloak... that just BS.... BALANCE OUT THE DROP RATE. You can still RNG the Armour/Weapon pieces, but at least make it a bit intelligent so you don't get duplicates in a row, and if you have ALL other slots filles, then fill the last slot.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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