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由QUEEN編輯: 9/8/2021 4:28:12 PM

PC Hard Crashing On Destiny since season of lost release.

As the title states, have not seen anyone remotely mention this outside of a few posts on reddit that have gone somewhat unnoticed but ever since season 15 my PC after having no problem has thanks to when having destiny 2 open, has started literally BSODing at random intervals, can be when afk, can be when starting the game, can be hours into a session, during load screens. No viruses ofc or malware, this started happening specifically as of S15. I reset and reinstalled new BIOS drivers, new cpu drivers, gpu drivers, drivers for all hardware have that can be updated effectively. Checked temps, other hardware issues, none found and no problems. I've enforced battleye to start in admin mode because apparently it didn't prior. Reinstalled the game on 3 different hard drives plus two different SSDs. Hell even a fresh reinstall of win10. It persists, hard. Specs are: GPU: RTX2060. CPU: Intel i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz Mobo: ASUS PRIME Z390-P RAM: Kingston KHX3000C15D4/8GX 8GB x2 HDDs: Seagate Barracuda Desktop 2TB 7200rpm 256MB x2 SSD: Western Digital 500GB WD Blue 3D NAND Internal As said, never had an issue before with D2, but directly as of this seaosn it is BSODing my pc and hard locking it. It is the only game that is doing this that i have installed. Gone through about 20 other games now and not a single issue like this. I have seen others comment on this happening aswell so it's a growing issue. EDIT: happened again after writing this, that's 4 times today, this is getting out of hand boogle. Game is bricking my -blam!-.



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  • I'm having the same problem ever since S15. Its only destiny and everything I have checked and tested has been normal. thinking battleye might be messing up with windows defender or some type of overlay haven't found the solution yet. :(



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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