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11/25/2021 12:27:15 AM

Pinnacle Kinect weapon bug

I have played 3 weeks all the pinnacle activities I can manage to do, and still have my Kinect weapon on 1329. All my pinnacle drops of 1330 are elsewhere. Like every single pinnacle I get is not for my Kinect weapon. The rest of my armor and weapons are pinnacle except for the Kinect weapon and it's been 3 weeks like this, so unfair.
#destiny2 #unfair



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  • 由Rogue編輯: 11/25/2021 12:30:11 AM
    Kinetic. What’s the bug? That when your pinnacles dropped they dropped for every slot but one? That isn’t a bug, dude. What pinnacles you get are random. If you were guaranteed to only get the pinnacles you needed, that wouldn’t be random. I’m sorry friend, but there is no bug here, and that last single point of light isn’t going to make a huge difference. Run VoG, the whole raid drops pinnacles <3



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