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由Tallahassee337編輯: 2/15/2023 5:05:59 PM

If Bungie doesn’t keep Rasputin dead the stakes are gone.

Killing Cayde established stakes. Since then, no one had stayed dead. Savathun, Eramis, Osiris, Crow anyone and everyone in between. In the final cutscene of the season, Elsie says to Anna look as a glow that seems reminiscent of a Ghost Revival lights the room. If Ana gets her self programmed boyfriend back, then what is at stake here? Is this an epic sci-fi franchise or a soap opera?



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  • The stakes won't disappear if Rasputin comes back, one character coming back isn't going to erase the fact that we have one city left in the entire solar system. That's all that's left of the human race, and we have a force that has exterminated countless races facing us, that nearly got us the first time. Our backs are against the wall and facing some long odds.



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