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11/16/2023 1:45:39 AM

Higher level content isn't difficult. It's tedious.

And boring. Bungie needs to learn the difference between artificial difficulty and actual challenging game design. Throwing a hundred red bars with more shields and nine million health into an activity doesn't then make it more difficult; it's now just boring because it takes me three times as long to kill the same type of enemy I can fight on a patrol. Champions are not difficult. They're dumb gimmicks that hinder any kind of interesting play styles and approach to an encounter. Every GM basically just boils down to sitting in the back of the map with a full team of wishenders until every enemy is dead. If one weapon can effectively render your whole design philosophy for encounters obsolete, that's bad game design. I feel like Tormenters are a good first step towards a boss type enemy that isn't just your run of the mill champion throw on a mod and win gimmick, unfortunately I feel like they have been critically misused by Bungie since their introduction. Anyway just my 2c.



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  • With the battleground treatment of all the nightfalls, I agree. They are just boring to play or farm.



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  • Negative power modifiers should have never existed in this game. That’s what killed the 45% revenue the casuals left.



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    • 由The Legend Himself: GONZO編輯: 11/18/2023 6:25:55 PM
      Personally, I don’t like overly spongy enemies or getting one-shot by things. I don’t play D2 because I want to experience this try-hard world where I better be rocking the most meta build and firing on all cylinders. I play it for the power fantasy, the smooth mechanics, cool and fun loot, and the fun of shooting aliens in the face. I don’t want increased difficulty. I want FUN! It only needs to be challenging enough for me have to worry every now-and-then but doable with any decent build.



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    • when have GMs not been about plinking from a safe place until it's safe to progress to the next area? GMs are and have always been almost exclusively about finding a safe place, using mechanics to lock down a damage source, and/or manipulating spawns, in order to safely and methodically deal with mobs in a mode where a dreg is a huge problem. GMs aren't really "artificial difficulty". Things aren't spongy, they are deadly. Champions can be an annoying ammo sink sometimes, I guess... but to me champions are a really good litmus test for someone's skill. They are deletable. Even more than that, with the subclass reworks, there is more flexibility in GMs to go absolutely bonkers aggro from time to time, which I think is cool.



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      14 回覆
      • It's as simple as that. Ghosts of the deep is honestly my fav dungeon upon running it the 1st time. The first impression was - wow! However, every subsequent run was a tedious slog, which lead me to not playing it at all anymore. I can't stand the thought of running it again, and I have like 5 completions or so. Difficulty is OK on "one and done" stuff, but in a looter shooter - not at all. Either give us far easier way to overlevel content by a lot, so that everything becomes progressively easier the more we play, or just crank that sh down. This is not the way.



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        4 回覆
        • Wisher ender is overrated shite, arby is where its at still.



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          • 由AbsolutZeroGI編輯: 11/18/2023 3:11:09 PM
            Raids are like this too. Master difficulty is a slog every time. I felt that was a miss from day 1 because it's just GM raids, where the mechanics are the same, the enemies just have more HP and there are more champions. For the record, I have every raid seal except swordbreaker because I just flat haven't gone after it yet, so I'm not saying this from a position of not being good enough to do it. I just hate doing it now. It's not fun. I really liked the older raid seals where it was doing the mechanics a specific way and getting a flawless run was the way to do it. Now it's just LFG groups banging their heads against the wall doing the same old mechanics until a triumph pops out.



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            2 回覆
            • Only tedious if you don’t understand the encounters or don’t build craft. (Which is fine if you’re new) We are so overpowered right now as Guardians compared to light 2.0



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            • Good players can run hyper aggressively through any GM. So I'm not sure whether tedious is the right word, unless you lack skill or practice.



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              1 回覆
              • Beats the brakes off the weenie hut jr "difficulty" we had prior. I'd rather it be slightly tedious (even though I disagree with that assertion) than feeling like im tearing through a wet paper bag.



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                4 回覆
                • The entire dumpster fire is tedious. Same thing, different day, EVERY day. For years.



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                • Almost every post about artificial difficulty fails to mention any real ways that they could create true “difficult” content. What would separate out artificial from real?



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                  15 回覆
                  • All that and no suggestions #ArmChairDeveloper 🤦🏻



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                    • 由Verke0編輯: 11/17/2023 8:45:55 AM
                      I mostly disagree. I say mostly, because imo primary damage should be buffed across the board. The exotic primary buff feels great, but i feel that legendaries are being left behind too much. I like playing aggresively and there are plenty of builds that allow you to do so. Synthoceps, Raijus Harness or Astrocyte Verse to name a few. Dark Souls is a hard game, boss fights are trial and error, but at some point you realise all the attacks and moves are scripted in a way and you understand whats going to happen when the boss does a certain thing and you adapt. Same can be said about Destiny enemies, though in lesser extent. Their moves are scripted. Once you know their behavior, you can adapt and apply strategies. People want to do high level content, but they lack a deeper understanding of the enemy behaviour. When to push, when to pull back and most importantly when to pop your super. Supers, especially roaming supers in GMs are king. They are powerful, create tons of orbs and make you practically invincible for a while. At the end of a GM i have created most of the times between 100-250 orbs, depending on the build and GM. LFG teammates die, take their super back to orbit with 0 orbs created and then complain that the game is too hard. JUST POP YOUR SUPER, MATE!! Give me those orbs and lets chain supers. That said, staying in the back with wish ender or something is a viable tactic. You can use it to take out the biggest dangers before diving into the group. You can also use it the entire time like OP does and then complain the gameplay is stale, but thats a choice that you are making. If you want to learn more about enemy behavior, i wholeheartedly suggest you run assassins cowl with a 1-2 punch shotgun (suggestion: ikelos with turnabout and 1-2 punch) and arcstrider. It will teach you the do's and dont's very rapidly. At some point you will realise you dont even need the invisibility and can branch out to other exotics with blink.



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                    • [quote]They're dumb gimmicks[/quote] 👆This! Exactly what D2 is now! Bwahahahahahaha!!! These guys can’t do squat anymore! Bwahahahahahaha!!! Just a boring, empty, and broken game now! Bwahahahahahaha!!! Welcome to hollowness!



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                      13 回覆
                      • I have no issue with tedious as long as I have something to grind for. But tbh, I wouldn’t play any part of this game if there wasn’t something to grind for. The game itself just ain’t that much fun.



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                      • Artificial difficulty is one of the several CORE problems with this game from the very beginning. Been saying this for years.



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                        2 回覆
                        • Yeah finding some nook to shoot from for a the whole GM is not fun.



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                        • For anyone who arguing otherwise the point he is making is correct, instead of having challenging mechanics it’s just rammed up health bars which is not even difficulty but just more time to kill



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                          1 回覆
                          • Meh, I have fun in grandmasters.



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                            3 回覆
                            • I played remnant 2 and gotta say it was refreshing. You have to move and dodge a lot in that game to survive. Some really epic boss fights too.



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                            • Man I'm glad I left this game;)



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                            • Bungie tried somewhat challenging pve. The community cried. You have to remember the vast Majority of Destiny players are just not good at all. At anything…



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                              3 回覆
                              • Agree with most of what you said. I don't mind champions, tbh the 8 or 9 differed teleporting enemies are a bigger gimmick and a pain in the but than a champion (overload minatoures and captains join the chat). Personally, I'm tired of hearing made up terms like artificial difficulty. It's either difficult or it isn't.



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                              • Honestly I think the worst part is our power being capped. If I grind and get my character 20 above the enemies, it should be easier to defeat them. Handicapping us is part of the artificial difficulty. At least make it an option. Let the people that cry about things being too easy, select to handicap their power. Let the rest of us enjoy what we’ve earned.



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                              • I remember when bungie once had a TWAB early in Destiny 1 life cycle that was titled "we don't want destiny to be about bullet sponge".



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