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由mens編輯: 12/8/2023 9:24:15 PM


is actually reWASD a bannable software ?
#Help #rewasd #cheat



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  • 由viiTactiiCZz編輯: 12/8/2023 10:03:34 PM
    TuxyDoh mentioned a few years back they had spoken to Bungie Security about it and they had said assisted inputs are fine but abusing the automation that can come from it (think well macro, auto grenade throw macro etc) can result in a ban (the automation stuff is seemingly a bit stricter now with restrictions recently being issued). As long as you're just using it to remap you should be fine [quote]Hello there, I confirmed with BNGSecurity, that Bungie is happy to support accessibility in a myriad of ways, including assisted input such as reWASD. So long as automation remains within the realm of "human-like" behavior - meaning it doesn't a) perform at a super-human level or b) trivialize mechanics like aiming, avoiding damage, etc - then you'll be safe, whether on m+k or controller. That being said, some software may be poorly developed and inadvertently trigger cheat detections if it does things like try modify button mappings within the game client itself, perform debugger-like runtime analysis, etc. reWASD doesn't seem like it would do any of those things but there's always a small risk if the developer isn't following best practices.[/quote]



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  • Macros are bannable, take that as you will.



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