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由cM0ss編輯: 6/27/2024 9:09:51 PM

Queens, Part 1

I make it through the game until the next to last location. The one before the water or lake. You hit the runes, kill the witches and then there are 3 or 4 enemies materialize in protective bubbles one of which is especially dangerous. When I have all 3 runes (according to my on-screen display) I can kill all the enemies but 1. The dangerous one. Actually I CAN kill the body but the worm-like leftover which you are supposed to grab (E-Key) and crush. Since fighting my way to that point 7 times I have killed the dangerous one all 7 times but I have yet to crush the worm. Nothing I do works. I press the "E" key and nothing happens. Unless I can find out WHY I can't kill it I am done with this part of the game. Ok. Read in a different location about a dot above the worm that you have to push the "G" key. That dot was never there in the past that I am aware of. And I did start off with the E key but was informed that it was in fact the "G" and I still couldn't crush the worm.....until the same person informed me of the dot. So, now this post is finished and ended.



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