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10/18/2024 9:59:46 PM

Did matchmaking change? Casual control feels anything but casual

I was just wondering if something has changed this season for how matches are made? I consider myself to be an ok crucible player. Above average, but im not a really amazing pvp player. All the matches I am getting feel like people way above my skill level. Am I just in elo hell for being in between skills, or what gives? Everyone I see is a totally cracked sliding rose user 90% of the time. Or perhaps there are just no casual players anymore? Most days, competitive feels better than the control Playlist, and that just doesn't seem right. If this is just the new norm, it might actually be the first season I don't play pvp unless there's a bright dust challenge. Anyway, thanks for looking, Cheers



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  • Something is different for sure. Feels like my first handful of matches each day are super unbalanced and eventually feels like something kicks in and I get placed in the right bracket. This is everyday as I'm a daily player beginning to get very frustrated. KDA is down after being consistent over multiple seasons. Came here after 3 matches in a row that were mercy and was hoping someone else felt the same.



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