Tomb of elders subtle foreshadowing (rewards, story ,and gameplay feedback)
Either the addition of tomb of elders we finally got a drizzle of story after a long drought. It was a nice shot in the arm to draw players back in and reintroduce the prison, along with setting things in motion for act 3, but that was it. Nothing more than a teaser for act 3 and fikruls plans with some minor clues to the nature of the echo(which I think will lead to a third darkness subclass, but that's just my crazy theory) so 14 steps to the story, most of which were bouncing between talking to eido, eido's hologram, variks, mithraks and mithraks's hologram ( seriously, the holoprojector is ridiculous) and that's it.
Then we're left with the TOE( really, no one thought the possible anagram thing through at all) or the tomb of elders. This brings me to the bulk of my grievances with act 2. TOE is actually really fun, I'd play it for hours if only it were even a little rewarding. The main drops are the newer revenant weapons with other revenant weapons and inexplicably some splicer weapons dropping. These are in no way top tier or even worth grinding for, most are outclassed and the chromarush weapons can be farmed using tonics in much more rewarding activities. On top of this the currency and ingredient rewards are few or nonexistent.
I have this same issue with onslaught salvation, but I cannot figure out why no new activities give strange coins as rewards, thats just crazy to me
why are Tonic Ingredients so hard to come by? To artificially boost player time? I'm sorry but I'm not wasting my time on an unrewarding activity.
All I want is a game I can have fun in. F..k build crafting, make Tomb of Elders a little bit harder (not Contest hard) and give us more run throughs (as in the same as Contest of Elders) and I'll live in there but contest is just a s..t show you have to sweat through and falter at the last hurdle getting nothing for your time spent.
Don' t get me started on Tonics, who ever thought that was a good idea should may been let go with the last lot.
Why is it so hard for Bungie not to see the wood for the forest. Make something fun and people will play.