Hi ;).
First i must give congratulations for Destiny, its the reasson because i bought my PS4, when I saw the first gameplay I could see the best mmo-shooter.
My Ideas are:
1.- On a mmo game, we need the trade option, its important have a commerce here for buy or change gear/weap that we need, and with trades we can do the game more social, and we can do more friends, also one Auction House its a good Idea.
2.- I think that we can do races with our mounts, but we need one circuit and mode on crisol, this mode will be very funny on my opinión.
Thanks for the game , see you on Destiny Universe.
PD: Sorry for my bad english ;).
No Auction Houses please.
The one for Diablo 3 was a debacle and too many people are going to be too distracted by farming and selling loot at absorbent rates, for the sake of amassing wealth alone.
Destiny isn't an MMO, it has some qualities, but at its roots, it's an RPG FPS.
I think we should be allowed to trade gear and weapons, with other players. It seems to me you want to sell gear and weapons to other players. That I disagree with. I would prefer a barter system.
I think races would be cool