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由Dreaming Sky編輯: 10/31/2014 2:09:26 PM

Perception, Reality and Destiny.

Since Destiny's launch, this forum has been peppered with complaints on a daily basis. The basis for said complaints is understandable. The frequency, duration, and virulence of the complaints is less understandable. Most people who complain cite pre-launch promo material. Others cite disappointment at disc-locked content. Examples way too many to list, in both cases. People. Get serious. Lies, lies, and Damned Videogame Lies have been around since... what, the early 1990's? No, probably well before that. But anyone who remembers the Nintendo64 era should know exactly what it's like to watch one of the wealthiest and most successful videogame companies in the world [i][b]lie its arse off[/i][/b] and get caught doing it. Then there was the Killzone/PS3 fiasco. Don't tell me everyone has forgotten about that already. Target renders and promo content not based on actual gameplay are common. Bungie was not the first to use them, nor the most egregious. Professional marketers are people [b]paid to lie to you[/b] so you'll give them your money. They aren't unique to Bungie, either. Disc-locked content? Please. 100-kb unlock codes have been sold on PSN and XBL since the fairly early 2000s as memory serves. Is the practice annoying at best and repugnant at worst? [b]Absolutely.[/b] Is it also completely common and accepted (with ill grace) by the gaming consumer populace? Yes, it is. [b]It's the new reality.[/b] Bungie isn't a trend-setter in this. If anything, they're behind the curve. To say that Bungie and Activi$ion did something not-cool by locking off tons of content (that was shown pre-release) behind a paywall is certainly a fair case to argue, and one I wouldn't dispute. To say Bungie and Activi$ion committed some kind of cardinal gaming sin that no other company ever has done, or done so heinously, is arrant nonsense. Am I saying, get over it and shut up? [b]No, I'm not.[/b] What I am suggesting is, [b]make a decision.[/b] If you've played Destiny enough to seriously know you don't like it and get no enjoyment out of continuing to play it, trade it in. You can get store credit towards one of the big-name games coming out soon. If, on the other hand, you like it enough to keep working at it but have complaints about it, [b]please make those complaints in a constructive manner.[/b] Bungie has a Feedback forum that, right now, is horribly abused. If you have honest, collaborative feedback to make the game better, post it there in a respectful fashion. Either way, these forums could and should be a much nicer place to visit, and I hope I'm not alone in sincerely hoping they become so soon. Thanks for reading.



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