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由TEMC ULtimatum編輯: 11/13/2014 5:43:20 PM

Ammo Jack on weapons swap

Can we please develop a better system then the outright theft players are subject to when it comes to ammo and swapping weapons?! I understand how a certain amount of ammo for one weapon(say a machine gun or fusion rifle) has to be adjusted to correlate to another weapons(ie a rocket launcher or sniper rifle) round count but the current model is pretty jacked and not fair. Even within weapon classes. If im using one fusion rifle for which i have 20 rounds i shouldn't be reduced to 5 rounds for switching to another fusion rifle. This is just punishment for nothing. And once u throw a consumable into the scenario its even more infuriating cause we have to purchase those. And when you add all that up and inject it into a nightfall or a juggler active mission when the Ai is being particularly stingy on ammo drops the whole things becomes quite aggravating! All in all it just isnt fair! Certainly within weapon classes(ie fusion rifle to fusion rifle, rocket launcher to rocket launcher etc) the change over shouldn't be so severe.



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  • While it can be frustrating I see why they did it. I think being able to switch weapon to weapon without punishment would make things too easy. I think a compromise that I personally would go for is if you switch to the same type of weapon ie fusion to fusion or rocket to rocket no ammo loss. To balance it out I would saw a switch from rocket to heavy machine gun no ammo would transfer. That's just me though.



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  • The reason you lose ammo is so you will think more carefully about your loadout before you begin an activity. You're not being punished for nothing, you're being punished for showing up unprepared.



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    3 回覆
    • Yeah I hate switching from my Machine Gun to my Gjallarhorn or Exodus RS/1 and losing a chunk of the ammo. You'd think 40 bullets would net you 1 rocket..



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    • Carry around Icebreaker. For the Pocket Infinity Bounty, I would run the entire Nightfall Strike with a fusion rifle. When I ran dry, I switched to Icebreaker, let it charge up to it's 6 shots the swap back over getting 17 shots for my fusion rifle



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      8 回覆
      • True, this is very frustrating.



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      • I feel your pain but yeah it's more of a forethought thing.. Tip : if you're out of special ammo for whatever gun and have icebreaker...switch to icebreaker and wait until it has a full mag and then switch should have a full clip and a little reserve ammo...helped a lot when I was doing pocket infinity bounty and ran out of special ammo synths



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      • Yeah, it's a slap in the face. I used a heavy ammo synth on my Zombie Apocalypse and it was maxed out with ammo. Didn't fire a shot. Raid situation changed so I switched to my Truth rocket launcher and had ZERO ammo. None. Empty. Had to use yet another heavy ammo synth (almost died due to being blind navigating user interface). Not acceptable Bungie. Nevermind the fact my armor is supposed to have the carry more heavy ammo perk too. Weaksauce.



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      • Have to agree with this. It's reasonable for there to be some loss in ammo, but not the current system. Convert it to the same reserve ammo percentage between the two weapons, then take maybe another 5%, and it's a much fairer system.



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